Dress rehearsals (Kopie 1)

During the concert season 2017 there’s an opportunity to watch the orchestra putting the finishing touches to a programme shortly before the concert.

Tickets are available priced EUR 7.00 on the day of the dress rehearsal in the foyer of the Festsaal 30 minutes before the concert starts. Tickets for holders of the Bavarian Voluntary Work Pass are free of charge.

Advance booking is available for school classes:
tel. 0049 841 305 – 2826 or email: georgisches.kammerorchester(at)ingolstadt.de.

Upcoming dates:

19.10.2017, 10.00 a.m.
09.11.2017, 10.00 a.m.
07.12.2017, 10.00 a.m.

(Kopie 1)

Foto: Bernhard Schaffer

Dress rehearsals

During the concert season 2017 there’s an opportunity to watch the orchestra putting the finishing touches to a programme shortly before the concert.

Tickets are available priced EUR 7.00 on the day of the dress rehearsal in the foyer of the Festsaal 30 minutes before the concert starts. Tickets for holders of the Bavarian Voluntary Work Pass are free of charge.

Advance booking is available for school classes:
tel. 0049 841 305 – 2826 or email: georgisches.kammerorchester(at)ingolstadt.de.

Upcoming dates:

19.10.2017, 10.00 a.m.
09.11.2017, 10.00 a.m.
07.12.2017, 10.00 a.m.

Foto: Bernhard Schaffer